Forty six paddlers competed in the regatta, drawn from Chelmsford CC, Cambridge CC, Lee Valley Paddlesports, Hemel Hempstead CC, LYR Boat Club, and of course Bishops Stortford CC. Racing in groups of three, everyone completed two runs down the 500m course, followed by two at 200m and one of 1000m. After the lunchbreak, good use was made of the K4s (two of which were kindly brought over by Chelmsford). The weather remained warm and dry through to the prizegiving.
The full results from the day's racing can be found on the Summer Series results page.
A selection of photos can be found here.
Many thanks to everyone who gave feedback following the last Winter Series (2023-24). The committee have now looked through your responses and decided on some changes for the coming season.
ENTRY SYSTEM: Many of you have your entries put in by your team leaders, but the vast majority of those who had used the entry system found it easy. A couple of tweaks have been suggested which we will be implementing for the coming season. PAYMENTS: There were a good proportion of entrants who would like to be able to pay electronically. We feel the fees for accepting online payments are too steep, and there would be the added difficulty of making refunds if races are cancelled or postponed (much more likely with Winter racing). However, clubs will now be able to arrange advance electronic payments on behalf of their team if they wish. If your club has a mechanism for collecting electronic race fees centrally from you, they may be able to do this and then pay the FRA electronically. PROMOTIONS: Last season the WS became a group A race - this was the only practical way of operating within the insurance requirements without requiring all club associates to purchase day tickets. Like all Group A races (including many non-Hasler races), last year's WS races were subject to promotions awarded by the MRC. This took everyone by surprise, not least the FRA committee! We had known promotions would be possible, but had not anticipated the number that were given. The MRC assure us that they are using the same algorithm to calculate promotions that are used for other events. If anyone feels their promotion is not justified they can ask their club's team leader to raise it with the Regional Marathon Adviser for their region. Promotions will continue to be listed on the WS results on the FRA website, but the MRC's technical boffins are working towards including WS results on the main Marathon Results system as well so that you will be able to see everything in the same place (hopefully this season). SUPER-VET CLASSES: The Super-Vet (50+) classes for K1 M & F introduced last year as an experiment were well received (especially the Mens) and will be retained, and perpetual shields are being purchased for these classes. Taken together, we had more people competing in the Vet (35+) and SuperVet classes last season than we used to get in the un-divided Vet classes pre-Covid. AGE-RELATED MEDALS: To give due respect to paddlers who carry on competing, the current age-related awards of First SuperVet (50+) and First UltraVet (60+) in the K1 and K2 classes will be extended to First HyperVet (70+) as well. PADDLING-UP: Many people suggested that the paddlers should be allowed to paddle up into more senior races. The committee gave this serious consideration but felt that allowing paddlers to effectively sort themselves out by ability would undermine the concept of the age/gender based system that distinguishes the Winter Series from the Haslers. Vets will continue to be allowed to compete as Seniors, and SuperVets can compete as Vets, but otherwise paddling up will not be allowed. Those whose age places them on the 3-4 and 5 mile courses who would rather be doing the 7-9 mile course can enter the K2 classes, so long as at least one person in the crew is 16+. NEW K1 OPEN CLASS ON SHORT COURSE: At the same time, the committee is fully aware that the huge range of ability that exists in any age band causes too big a challenge to some. In particular we want to create a more accessible class for brand new racers who are often not ready for the distance their age requires from them, or for those who just find winter conditions too demanding. We are therefore going to try out a new K1 class on the 3-4 mile course. It will be open to anyone of Div 7 standard or below who does not feel up to doing a longer course. Under-14s will not be able to enter this race as they would be doing this distance in their usual classes anyway. Medals and points will be given as normal, but there will be no series trophies. BUOYANCY AIDS: Buoyancy aids in the WS are compulsory for everyone below Div 6 and everyone under 16. The committee has decided to extend this requirement to everyone taking part in an u16 race even if the child concerned has passed their 16th birthday since the start of the series. This will make it easier for bank staff to check buoyancy aid compliance. STAND-UP PADDLEBOARDS: SUPs will be able to enter the two C1 classes, as is the case for Hasler races. SLALOM BOATS: Similarly, Slalom boats, including fibreglass boats, will be able to enter the GP classes. DAY TICKETS: Another change for this season is that "Single Event Membership" purchased in advance direct from Paddle UK has replaced the old method of purchasing a Day Ticket at the desk during check-in. As it seems SEM can only be purchased during the online entry process, it is vital that anyone attempting to enter on the day brings physical evidence of valid PUK membership (whether "On Water" or via their club). The race rules for 2024-25 and the schedule of races can be seen on the main Winter Series page. |
January 2025